Friday, March 21, 2008

Trip Time Again

In 2003, the UPCI Sunday School Dept., under the leadership of Bro. Gary Erickson, started sponsoring trips for single adults. That first trip went to London, England.

Originally, the plan was to have a trip every other year, but after much thought, in 2005, it was decided that they would sponsor a trip every year. (Boy, am I glad...!) Also, that year it was decided that the trips would continue to be sponsored by the Sunday School Dept, but under a new category (Single Adult Ministry, or S.A.M.) and a new singles director. Sis Debbie Saiz is now the singles director.

These are named SAM Break-A-Way trips, and I have been able to go on every trip so far. The trips give us singles a chance to see the world, and meet other singles of "like precious faith." I have made so many new friends from all over the United States by going on these trips. They do a really good job at keeping them as affordable as possible. The trips are so much fun, and I almost (I said almost...) don't want to be disqualified from the criteria required....if you get my drift...LOL

In 2003, London, England, (we flew from Philadelphia, PA, I toured 2 days before)
2005, Western Caribbean Cruise, (from New Orleans, LA), to Jamaica, Grand Cayman,
and Cozumel, Mexico.
2006, Honolulu, O'ahu, HI
2007 Italy... (from NYC where I toured for 4 days first), Venice, Florence, Pisa, Rome, Pompeii and Sorento (the BEST trip so far)

On Monday, I will be flying to Newark, NJ because we are leaving on Tuesday to go to London again. This time we will also be going to Paris and Versailles, France!! I will not be blogging while I am gone. I will not be looking for a computer, because I will be too busy sight-seeing!! I will return home April 2, and shortly thereafter, I will tell you all about the trip and have a slide show for you to see.

This slide show is of a few of the pictures from our other trips. Enjoy...

Happy Easter, Everyone.....

(If you saw this when the music was playing, I apologize. That was not added on purpose!! LOL)


Kevin Hopper said...

Have a good and safe time!

Karen J. Hopper said...

Praying for safety and blessings for all going. Relax and enjoy - you've been under such a load that it will be a wonderful place to unwind.

Linda Elms said...

Gayla, have a great trip. I can't wait to see the pictures when you get home. Love you!