Saturday, October 27, 2007

Are We Doing Our Best?

Most of the time I enjoy being a nurse. Sometimes I don't.

As a nurse, I take this perspective. I didn't cause the disease. I can't cure it. But, I can help ease the pain and give comfort to a patient under my care. I try my best to help ease any pain and discomfort of the patients I am caring for each day. I even pray for them. As I am doing my assessment of a patient, I quietly, under my breath, say a prayer for God to help them and their families through this, and to comfort them, and to give them another chance to know Him.

The part I don't like about being a nurse is the death of a patient. It is so hard to watch someone die and most probably be lost through eternity. When I hear the code blue alarm, I run to help save a life. Adrenaline is flowing as I am pumping their chest, or pushing medications into their veins, and always, I am praying for their soul. I don't know the life they have lived, or the paths they have walked, but I beg God to give them another chance. Sometimes it works...sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't, I always think....have I done my best to reach the lost? I don't think I like the answer to that question. Are any of us REALLY doing all we can to reach the lost???

Think about it, and ....reach out to someone today. Be blessed...Gayla


Linda Elms said...

Gayla! I had no idea that you had a blog until I saw yours listed on Ronda's! I can't believe you've been writing this month on your very own blog and I didn't even know it! I will be checking back to see what is happening in your life! Love you!

Gayla said...

Hi, Linda....Welcome to my blog...such as it is!! LOL I can't keep up with it everyday, but I thought it would be fun to see what I can do....even though there isn't that much interesting stuff going on in my life!!!!!Was going to let you know about it, just haven't. Looking forward to more comments from you. Love you, too!!